Mileage | 212,107 miles |
Condition | Used |
Transmission | - |
Drivetrain | Front Wheel Drive |
Fuel Economy | 28 City / 35 Highway |
Exterior Color | Brilliant Aluminum Metallic |
Interior Color | Sage |
Stock Number | 564278 |
VIN Number | 3N1CB51D95L564278 Check Vehicle History |
Buy it with cash or finance with only $1,400 down and low weekly payments deducted straight from your checking or savings. Have good credit? We work with several lenders to get you the best rate. NO CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? Not to worry. BAD or NO credit is perfectly acceptable with our Guaranteed Credit approval program available to ANYONE who has ANY FORM of income, whether it be pay stubs, unemployment, self employment, Social Security, Disability. You name it, We accept it!! ! Easy weekly payments deducted directly from your checking or savings and there is no penalty for early payoffs! Sales tax and registration are included in your down payment. Hurry before it goes! .
Vehicle Price: $3799.05
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